Thursday 25 July 2013

Me & my office

I was recently seeking employment (yea, yea, same old story…) Following a series of endless aptitude tests and interviews (mehn! e no easy sha) just when I was going to back down, I received a call from a friend asking if I’d like to work in his office. Hell YEA!  I sent in my CV and two days later I got a call from the office requesting that I come in for an interview. On getting there I found the reception quite welcoming and after the interview, I was called in for a chat with the MD and before I could say ‘Jack Robinson’ I was told to come for my employment letter (yaaaay! dancing azonto!). Words couldn’t express the way I felt; it was like a breath of fresh air (GEJ tins ;-). I finally get to be involved in something productive, my heart was so full of joy that I wasn’t even considering how I’d fit in given that I knew no one.
Anyway, I resumed at work with mixed feelings: I was excited about my new job but apprehensive because I happen to be a very shy person. It was going to be difficult to mingle with my new colleagues. I didn’t want to start out setting off their ‘anti-snob’ alarms because that’s been my experience so far (although time usually changes this opinion). In addition, I was uncertain about names, offices, intercom codes, name it… I knew nothing for sure. I mixed it all up and as if that was not enough I was freaking nervous, I just kept on stuttering all day. Once it clocked 5pm, I dashed home to prepare for the next day of work - which actually turned out to be better than the first.
My experience so far at work has been wonderful. A perfect blend of everything, sometimes it gets humorous and at other times the office is tense with deadlines to meet. In my opinion, the office is like a group of very talented and highly intelligent young Nigerians doing what they do best. In addition, the relationship among staffs at work is amazing: from the least employee to the management (hmm! Did I just say least, I don’t think that word exists here) there is mutual respect and value for everyone. Courage, human dignity and innovation are key traits of everyone. One thing I also really enjoy about my office is how birthdays are celebrated! ‘OH MY GOD’! I always look forward to them! The office gets a cake & drinks for everyone, but the fun part for me asides the cake (which I happen to love a lot) is that everyone gathers round to sing, talk about the person, give toasts, take pictures & basically have a great time together! Ah… lest I forget, another cool thing about my office is the “Appzone Champions League”. It’s a football game (XBOX Baby!) among the guys which usually goes down on Thursdays & Fridays by 5pm, and believe me it’s so intense that most folks find it difficult to leave on match days. I’m really enjoying my stay in the office  and though I sometimes get a bit bored, I still love what I do and where I do it.
Working here has really got me thinking: Do I have a future here? What can I do to be more effective? How can I add value and facilitate the growth of the company? Those are some of the questions I have asked myself and though I have been able to answer some, I’m going to sit back and watch things unfold…………….


  1. Nice and Apt... Looking forward to same experience at Appzone .. *winks*

  2. Nice and Apt... Looking forward to same experience at Appzone .. *winks*
